Saturday, October 3, 2009


The world map changed radically after the Second World War. The colonial
empires of the European nations dissolved and many countries of Asia and Africa
became independent. The UNO had 51 members in 1945, and now in 2002 there
are 191 members.
After the Second World War Soviet Russia encouraged Communist movements
all over the world. Thus Eastern Europe saw the emergence of Communist regimes
in many countries. The western part of Germany which was under the supervision
of UK, USA and France, became a democratic country (1949). Similarly Communist
government came into existences in East Germany, Poland, Hungary,
Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia. In China too Communist regime headed by
Mao Tse Tung came into existence (1949). The world came to be divided into two
blocs. ‘Free’ or those permitting private capital and the Communists permitting only
state capital. The leaders of these two blocs were the USA and Soviet Russia
(USSR-Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) respectively.
Both Soviet Russia and China encouraged Communist Revolutions in other
countries. In 1949, Soviet Russia tested nuclear bomb. This led to ‘cold war’
between the two blocs. The clouds of the Third World War appeared. Many East
European countries allied themselves with Russia and also became subjected to
the rule of the Communist par ty; Russia and China signed a defense treaty in 1950.
Soviet Russia took aggressive position with regard to Greece and Turkey. US
President Truman declared that in case Turkey or any other country faced Communist
threat, USA would provide protection to that country. The cold war intensified in
1950-53 when there was a civil war in Korea and USA helped South Korea and
China extended help to North Korea. The civil war ended with the division of Korea
into North and South Korea.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) signed between USA, UK
(Britain) and other west European countries took shape in 1949. The South-East
Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed in 1954 was another The USA-led defence
pact. Turkey, Iran and Pakistan formed Central Asia Treaty Organization (CENTO).
In reply to this, Soviet Russia formed the Warsaw Pact with communist countries.
Testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs and launching of Inter-Continental Ballistic
Missiles by both the blocks further sharpened the edge of the cold war. Even in
space research, competition between the two countries intensified and Soviet
Russia launched a spacecraft. It was a great achievement for the USA when it
landed man on the moon.
In 1958, there was a Communist Revolution in the American continent and
Cuba became a Communist country. This led to the two blocs coming to the edge
of a war. The Vietnam War (1955-75) which was fought on ideological grounds made
the Communists victorious, and America’s direct involvement in it caused immense
loss to it. Though both the blocs owned the most dangerous nuclear weapons, out
of fear of being destroyed, they were never used and world war did not take place.
BREACHES IN RED BLOC : After the death of Stalin (1953), despite the launching
of satellite and achieving substantial success in the field of space research,
dissatisfaction among the common people went on increasing. When the East
European countries like Poland, Hungary and East Germany tried to free themselves
from the Soviet Russian hold, the Russian army suppressed the efforts. But when
Tito of Yugoslavia revolted, Soviet Russia could not do anything. In 1978 Soviet
Russia invaded Afghanistan. In the meanwhile, there were differences between
Soviet Russia and China and there was a breach in the Communist bloc.
After Gorbachev became the president in 1985, things changed substantially.
Later the Communist system slowly declined and democracy was established. The
US president, Reagan met Gorbachev in 1987, the intensity of ‘cold war' was very
much reduced. In 1988 the Russian army returned from Afghanistan. In 1989, the
Great Wall of Berlin which had politically separated the East and West Berlin was
demolished by people from both the sides. Subsequently, the two parts of Germany
were united (1990). In 1992, US president George Bush (Sr) and Russian President
Yeltstin met each other and ended the cold war. Thus the chances of the breaking
out of a World War III was prevented in the 20th century. Now Vladimir Putin is
the President.
CHANGES IN THE USSR : The eight countries which had been a part of USSR
declared independence in 1991. Later, a group 21 of countries which were in the
former USSR formed under the leadership of Russia ‘Commonwealth of Independent
States(CIS). But nations like Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia left the former Union
permanently. In 1994, Russia signed a treaty with NATO (Nor th Atlantic Treaty
Organization) and opened the path for mutual co-operation with the NATO nations.
The new government has started privatization of industries by freeing them from
government control. It has also welcomed foreign capital.
After the Second World War, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma) and several
other countries of Asia got independence. Indonesia, former East Indies, which was
a part of the Dutch Empire, declared itself free under the leadership of Sukarno
in 1945. But soon after the end of the Second World War, the Dutch army again
entered Indonesia. But the UNO intervened in 1949 and Indonesia's freedom was
Burma had been captured by Japan during the Second World War. When the
war ended, the British resumed administration. Later elections were held in 1948
and Burma was granted freedom. The country has been renamed as Myanmar in
1989. The army rules the country.
Malaya was a part of Malay peninsula and was under the control of the British.
It became free in 1957. Territories like Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Singapore
formed a new nation called Malaysia in 1963. But Singapore and Brunei came out
of the new nation and became a separate republics.
Ceylon also became free in 1948. It has renamed itself as Sri Lanka in 1972.
India, the Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Bhutan have
formed South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) in 1985.
Kathmandu is the headquarters of this body.
The European powers like England, France, Belgium, Portugal had their
colonies in Africa. The Africans were inspired by the example of India to fight for
their freedom.
Libya secured freedom from Italy in 1952. Kenya fought under the leadership
of Jomo Kenyatta. The fighters called ‘Mau Mau’ continued their revolt for four years.
Kenya became free in 1963 and also became a republic.
Kenya's neighbouring kingdom Tanganyika fought against the British under
the leadership of Nyerere and became free and formed a union with Zanzibar island
with the name Tanzania in 1964. Uganda too became free in 1963 under the
leadership of Obote. Similarly, Ghana, earlier known in as Gold Coast became free
in 1957.
Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Guinea which were under the French, became
free in the decade between 1950 and 1960. In 1960, 17 African countries including
Nigeria and Congo secured freedom. Angola and Mozambique which were under
the Portuguese were freed in 1975.
Some of the African countries on the coast like Libya, Morocco and Egypt
belong to the Arab race; Egypt was under the control of Britain. In 1869 they
constructed the Suez Canal and this great venture resulted in connecting the Red
sea and the Mediterranean sea. Egypt continued a great struggle and became free
in 1922. The king of Egypt was dethroned by Nasser and Egypt became a republic
in 1953. Due to its oil resources Egypt became a rich country and Nasser as the
President (1954), achieved rapid progress in agriculture by completing the Aswan
Dam across the Nile.
The African nations formed the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963,
and it has 53 members.
The Jews who had been scattered all over the world, and faced humiliation
and cruelty at the hands of the Nazis, were helped by the USA and England to have
a new homeland called Israel. The city of Jerusalem and its surroundings were
considered as their homeland and they settled down there in 1945. Israel, as a new
nation, was recognized by the UNO in 1947. But the Palestinians of Arab origin
who had earlier settled there became refugees. Israel became a powerful nation
despite all opposition. Israel was slow in keeping the promises it had made to
accommodate the Palestinians.
As the Palestinians were supported by the Arabs, the surrounding areas of
Israel turned into a battlefield. In 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, and later
shut it in 1967. This caused wars in the Middle East from 1949-1967 and Israel
occupied the Gaza strip on the West Bank of the Jordan River. But according to
the Camp David Agreement between Egypt and Israel (1978), Israel evacuated the
Sinai Peninsula (1982). Israel agreed to establish an autonomous state of Palestine
in 1993. But there have been serious difference between Arafat, the leader of the
Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) and Israel. Hamas, a terrorist group has been
indulging in terrorist activities. This problem of the Middle East has been a challenge
to peace.
Another point of unrest in the Middle East is Iran. The Shah (ruler) of Iran was
dethroned by the Iranian orthodoxy led by Khomeni in 1979. The attempts to
modernize Iran by Shah caused the revolution. Iraq raised the issue of its border
with Iran and attacked Iran in 1980. This was the First Gulf war which continued
till 1988.
Ancient Mesopotamia is modern Iraq. It is a rich country because of its oil
resources. Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, after ending of the conflict with
Iran, attacked Kuwait in 1990. This led to the Gulf War II. the USA intervened on
behalf of UNO and Iraq was forced to withdraw from Kuwait in 1991.
There are many Muslim nations in West Asia. Some Muslim subjects of these
nations have joined the terrorist groups like ‘Al-Qaeda’. Osama bin Laden is the
leader of the Al-Qaeda. Though the cold war has ended, some of the terrorists are
keen on settling scores with Israel. Russia’s withdrawal from Afghanistan
strengthened the terrorists called Taliban.
The Al-Qaeda terrorist made aerial attack on two tall sky scrapers in New York
on 11th September 2001 and destroyed them. This provoked USA to attack
Afghanistan and destroy Taliban government in 2002. In fact the USA had encouraged
this very Taliban forces with finance and weapons to fight against Russia. The USA
has secured the support of Pakistan to fight these terrorists. Surprisingly Pakistan
is the country which is encouraging terrorist activity in Kashmir and other parts of
Iraq was believed to possess many banned weapons of mass destruction. Iraq
did not agree to the UNO's proposal for the inspection of its arsenal. In 2001 USA
and UK bombed many strategic centres in Iraq. The UNO finally sent its team of
Inspectors to examine the arsenal of Iraq. Though no evidence was found over the
existence of dangerous weapons, USA and UK invaded Iraq in March 2003. Saddam
Hussein’s regime ended. The whole episode has infringed on the powers of the
THE END OF THE APARTHEID: South Africa which was
the former British colony followed the Apartheid or the policy
of racial discrimination against the native Africans who are
in absolute majority. The administration was in the hands
of the White minority. The Blacks led by Nelson Mandela
continued a prolonged campaign. This struggle had begun
when Gandhiji was in Africa. All the nations of the world had
imposed sanctions against South Africa and banned
economic and other relations with South Africa for its racial
policy. Mandela underwent a long period of imprisonment.
Finally he was released and the Apartheid ended in 1994.
This is a major development of the 20th century.
THE NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT : When the cold war was at its height, the Non-
Aligned Nations Movement (NAM) was initiated in 1955 at Bandung in Indonesia.
Sukarno of Indonesia, Nasser of Egypt, Nehru of India and Tito of Yugoslavia were
its leaders. The first meeting of these developing nations was held at Belgrade in
1961, and from a membership of 25, the NAM came to have 114 members.
Nelson Mandel
Map of Africa
The movement tried its best to defuse the cold war trends which would have
caused the third world war. Disarmament, helping trade connections between the
backward nations and cooperation between them, were the main items on its
agenda. India played a prominent part in the movement. As the cold war has ended
the movement too declined. Its 13th conference was held at Kuala Lumpur in 2003.
The cold war has ended. Fear of the third world war has waned. But the world
is witnessing many terrorist movements. The world has not been fully prepared to
accept the progressive system like democracy. A war against diseases, poverty and
illiteracy is being continued. New diseases like AIDS, threat to environments and
water scarcity have become new problems. All the nations of the world have to find
solutions to these problems unitedly.
I Answer the following questions in two or three sentences:
1. What were the results of the formation of Israel?
2. Define cold war.
3. Which were the important countries which supported the Amer ican bloc?
4. Which were the main countries that sided the bloc led by the USSR?
5. What were the East Asian issues which would have caused the Third World War?
6. How did the policy of Apartheid end?
7. Who were the leaders of the Non-Aligned movement?
8. Mention the names of five nations in Asia which attained freedom.
9. Name five African nations that became free.
10. What were the main causes of unrest in the Middle East?
11. What are the causes of the present crisis of Iraq?
12. What were the reasons for Iranian unrest against its Shah?
13. What was the reason for the II Gulf War? Mention the result?
14. Why did the USA and UK attack Iraq in 2003? What was the result?
15. What were the aims of the Non-Aligned Movement?
II Fill in the blanks:
1. The American bloc signed defence treaties like….........and….........
2. The Russian bloc signed the treaty called….........
3. The organization defeated by the USA in Afghanistan is….........
4. Israel withdrew from Sinai after….........agreement.
5. The name of the Palestinian forces is ….........
6. The attack on New York engineered in 2001 ….........
III Activity:
1. Study the biography of these leaders :
1. Nelson Mandela
2. Josef Tito
3. Dr. Sukarno

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